The current cards offers that are good are :
1. Chase Marriott 80k points offer - however, judging by the general Chase offer vs this offer, I would stick with the general one that you get from the Chase credit card site.
2. Citi 80k Hilton Hhonor card offer - This seems interesting. However the spending is increased. More importantly, hilton massively devalued their program which means your average hotel is going to be in the 30k/40k range. So this gives you at max. 2 nights. Hilton is no Hyatt or Marriott or SPG. I would not say it is really that much worth it.
3. Citi AAdvantage card: This one from the website is a good offer if you have about $7500 spending lined up.
The link from the Citi site is here.
I would not break sweat on any of these cards and would recommending just wait it out. This will also give some much needed cooling off period for your credit report and credit scores. This will put you in a better position when the bigger offer comes down the line.