For credit cards bonus signups, this early period of 2016 has pretty much dried up many quick spending options that does not cost you much. Some good old strategies still run while the credit card issuers themselves have tightened up the belt.
Sample this:
Amex is no longer offering repeat sign on bonus for any of their cards - personal or business.
Chase has begun very strict approval of their cards. There goes the top bonuses.
Citi is also having strict card opening process and not giving any new big bonuses.
The rest of the pack all fall somewhere behind all this. Is it a logical end for the people in this blog space? Are they evolving to more of a finance blog rather than just travel or credit card blogs that they aspire to ? Many of them just put daily deals and "buy tickets to europe" or "buy tickets worth $1500 for $1000" or something like that. I think those are pretty much click bait or spend bait articles. Yeah, they will fulfill the basic contractual obligation of having to publish at least 1 article per day as required by some affiliates and advertisers. It might require you to publish some images and silly captions under the guise of some informative article but cut thru the noise and it is just empty. In this blog, we vowed to never publish empty noise. If there are no deals, then no need to publish anything. We not depending on advertisers or affiliates gives this blog a rather independent and pure voice without bias. If there is good deal, we will publish it. No urgent deals or something that will require you to click on it and make a split second decision.
Some of the current deals that are worth looking:
Chase Slate card: The online version is pretty good.
Bank of America/Slate/Discover It/Capital One Quick Silver Spark One card: All of those are good for balance transfer offers.
Any Chase cards with Hotels: Fairmont and Hyatt are top of the line and better to apply them now given the tighter policies of Chase.
American Express Gold and Platinum: There are offers worth 50,000 points to 75,000 points directly from the bank site.
Few credit unions and banks have decent yet repetitive offers - nothing new.
That is it .. nothing else for now!