Now many bloggers out there use different schedules to print their posts. Some use nightly builds or post schedule so that the twitterverse and blogosphere etc are neatly aligned for the posts next day morning. Some use paid bloggers - big ones from big companies who can afford it. Some use regular bloggers who just draft the articles regularly and then time it to publish it in future. All of this methods have common themes - they lack spontaneity and creativity. In the world of just in time, real-time information, it is tough to keep up with twitter type service if you were to blog so far in advance. Having a reactionary model based on social media gives less analysis time to actually check up on the offer and compare and contrast with the other offers and check whether it pays to participate in said offer.
Here is where we differ. We use carpe diem model. We blog spontaneously based on the most recent available information. We don't blog in advance. Rather than that, we collect all knowledge information at one go and blog that particular period till we have completely analyzed and broken down the options for you. That way, when the real world offers hit, we are pretty much ready to make on the spot decision on how this offer stacks up, whether to wait or move on and when to exit.
This approach helped us tremendously during the Spring of 2014 when back to back big credit card offers hit in the form of Citi AA Executive card and then the Chase Ink card. The Citi one started with 60k offer then scaled it up to 70k and then 80k and then finally 100k offer which is where we pounced and took the offer. The well oiled templates in this blog means we achieved the 10k spending within a period of 15 days. This led us to cancel the Citi card soon after that and get the $450 annual fee reimbursed. Bottomline, we came out ahead with 100k bonus points, $200 credit, $450 annual fee reimbursed, couple of entries into lounge - all with a short and quick 10k spend. Same thing with Chase Ink, though we did not cancel this account. It makes sense to hold on to this account for a long time. The 60k bonus points offer was a good one and it typically comes around June or July of a year. This blog gives you that kind of insight so that you know not to knee jerk react to any offer. Rather wait and chew on in, take our advice and then act when the time is about right. Only if we could do something similar on the stocks world!
Meanwhile, this approach is why the carpe diem model of blogging fits us. There will be times where this blog will have tons of published materials while other days there will be some lull. Which is pretty typical if you think about it. Not all credit card companies and banks line up with offers all day. They have cooling off period. Just like the Summer of 2014. They will wait for some time and then again back towards the end of the year, they will rake the bonus points and offers up. So we will fill in as per the need and not as per the affiliate demands or web hosting economics. Rather, honey badger blogs when it has to blog.
However, we do promise that we would blog fairly frequently and in between rather than long periods of silence.
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