Thursday, August 21, 2014

Using Square Cash with Debit Cards

Why Templates? gives you a set of valid reasons on why to use such templates or basic workflow diagrams on a day-to-day basis. To summarize, if you run out of big bonus spend cards (or soon enough you will), the world of category rewards aint so bad. You could make some decent money, though not as much as the 100k or 75k cards. But still, I think it makes sense to pursue this during lull times. The reason to use templates is to simplify your process and think less about which cards and where to spend. I just print them out and put it in my room or car. If you wanna go real agile (software programmers know what I am talking about), you could print it out and paste it in your study room or bed room. Trust me, it just frees up the mental resources down the line. These money loading business could quickly go out of hand with you not knowing where you loaded and how to verify it, which store to go and which card to put the spend on. The best way is to just write it down, the good old-fashioned way. Eventually, it will evolve to just a bunch of templates that you could be tweaking as these rewards structure, the way the prepaid cards are loaded and the credit card programs inevitably change.

So how would you load money using Square Cash and Debit Cards. Just like the Bluebird or Serve cards, it is mostly done online. In fact, it is much easier given that there are no restrictions in Square Cash similar to the Amex cards. So I just use two emails, register them both online and two different checking accounts. Then I just one debit card to send $1000 a time into email account 2 and from there to bank account 2. Again, dont abuse or overuse this system. Once deposited, use this funds for legitimate bill pay or student loans. I use mine for sending mortgage payments from account 2. It makes it easier to manage if I have one checking account from where the mortgage payments are made.

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