Affiliate Disclosure

As of July 2014, we are not affiliate with any companies. We have no relationships with any banks, finance companies so we are not hawking credit cards or bank accounts. Though these are responsible accounts to open for any one, right now, we are not focussing on geting you on the bandwagon on some company so that we could earn some commissions. Though there is nothing wrong in that, there is a conflict of interest and depends on the blogger to tread it carefully on the site. Part of the reason of this site was to sidestep all such bloggers out there who provide travel and other info and link you to various sites - usually ones paying the highest payout at the moment. Our philosophy is to grow and gain good traction amongst loyal readers. Beyond that, we will just continue what we enjoy doing most - which is to provide the most creative tools out there for maximizing spend. We are not going into "manufactured spend" or outrageous strategies which would involve buying/selling and move you from your real life. Rather the intention of this blog is to minimize such steps and hopefully we all reach a point where we are spending less than 10 minutes in this and another say 10 minutes looking into finance and so on. We do this during the work week, during work hours and leave the rest of the time for other pleasurable things such as fun and family. Hence, dont expect "breaking news" from us during weekend! As part of getting you the latest info, I would also be scouring the twitter and online forums to get you the best link. As a rule, most links that would be in my sites, would directly link you to the bank. This keeps things neat. Affiliates are tough to get by, they have conflict of interest and I dont want this blog to convert into amateur content site with dumb comments under the guise of hilarity. Nor do I want contextual ads. Nor creatives or links to banks and credit cards when it is much easier to do a quick internet search and get the best links yourself.

Many times even when you get the links, the banks do not honor the points mentioned in a flyer as it is not targeted at you. Taking screenshots etc are not a worthwhile endeavour. There is no point is hustling and haggling with a poor customer service rep from a big bank.

Better yet, follow these strategies:

1. Select the card or bank account which makes most sense to you.

2. Visit their website directly from our website

3. Call the representative and courteously ask for any promo or bonus offer. Most often, they would honor or point you in the right direction.

4. Before calling, do a simple internet search using different search engines, social media searches and gather the highest bonus information for your product - credit card or any card or bank account. Just keep them on the side after listing them.

5. Compare notes with what customer service rep says with this list. Usually they will give you a good offer if you have good credit and have not pissed them off in the past. If not, take some time to build a good relationship history with them. In the long run, it will pay huge dividends.

6. Settle down on one good offer and dont worry about the lost offer or that you are getting few thousand points less. The higher payouts are anyway highly targeted and built on a model that only so much applications would get approved. Remember, they are on a budget too.

7. Dont worry too much about this hustle as there is a next one right around the corner.

8. ... does this ever end ???

Remember, it is not the end of the world. Hustling requires time and patience. It happens only over time. There is no perfect algorithm for this, Even seasoned hustlers and point collectors or milers make mistake. It is just a side bit. So dont beat yourself up. There is always tweaking and continous improvement needed. There is change to deal with in an era of rapid information changes and flows. Change is the only constant in this game of rapid and contigous evolution.


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