Friday, November 20, 2015

Shout out to AutoSlash - car discount program and other notes

Readers of this blog already know that we are not a big fan here about car programs loyalty. However, we are big on the algorithms that are smart enough to get you lower prices. Many algorithms and software, and thus the websites, are basically one time scan and get you the latest prices. Here is where, a service called AutoSlash differs. I used it to book multiple reservations in Hawaii, Texas, NY and few other places and each time, Autoslash would automatically keep slashing the rates and constantly found me the best rates. Few times, I found there were other sites which offered on par but they were often late to the party. Any simple search will give you a host of car rental comparison sites and fairly easy to find some codes or loyalty discount which might give you about 10 to 20% off the rates. Not much in the long run as the car sites usually have their rates way above this 20% to cover this margin. The only service that I found that seemed to undercut was autoslash. So based on experience and the need to fill a gap to have effective car rentals, we fully like Autoslash for all our and hopefully yours auto rental reservation needs.
Discover Apple Pay:
As predicted first in this blog, the chances of this deal are on the lower end though it might work for some. Many fellow bloggers said it will not work at all or just held up hopes, despite the very first week glaring warning from the discover app, stating explicitly that gift cards have been excluded. Some folks do report getting some rewards for the first purchase but were told by discover that gift cards are really excluded.
New programs:
Chase Saphire offers higher points ( from 40k to 50k ) for new card signups. Worth it? Well, if you have not had this card for the last 24 months and want to have a good sign up bonus with a regular card, this is good. But so is Chase Freedom, which is now offering a new sign up bonus of $150. American express has not had a solid hit in a while. While Chase is still doing the same programs that has ran successfully for some of its cards in the past. Barclays came up with a new card with a 1.5% cash back which falls short of its own 2% cashback from Arrival or the Citi 2%  cash back card. Speaking of which, Citi continues on its Executive and AAdvantage offering which counters Chase United targeted offering of 50k points to lots of established customers. Other banks - regional and smaller are doing their bit. One card that I really liked is the BBVA Amex card. Nice features such as higher percentage cash back on gas and certain purchases and upto 100 USD for the first timers. I think it is better to focus on such lower hanging fruits for now and get that credit score bulked up so that when the right card comes along, you will be approved without doubt or delays. Hotel cards are offering the same old same old. Hyatt seems to be better compared to the rest as Marriott and SPG are looking at merger. Amex SPG was one of the favorite card of this blog as well as many. But the loyalty program as well as the card itself could be in danger while Marriott is a decent card and a nice hotel chain too but in the long run there is uncertainity over how the programs would merge. Usually merger is never good for anyone. As there is lot of belt tightening for all. But that writing was up in the wall when Starwood put itself for sale this March. So that practically sums it up. It seems like an odd throwback to the recession era thanksgiving where there were not many deals going around and it was just same continuation of the existing marketing programs for many popular cards.
Our advice would be the same as in the last 3 months which is hang on tightly, apply to lower cards that might not cause significant dent to your credit profile, take up the smaller spends and build up the bigger ones.

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